Starter quiz

  • What are the three main subatomic particles found in an atom?
    • Protons  ✓
    • Neutrons  ✓
    • Electrons  ✓
    • Atoms
    • Molecules
  • Which of the following particles is negatively charged?
    • Proton
    • Atom
    • Electron  ✓
    • Nucleus
    • Neutron
  • True or false? Protons and electrons have equal but opposite charges.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • ______, along with protons, make up the nucleus of an atom. They add to the mass of an atom but do not carry a charge.
    • 'neutrons' ✓
  • According to the principles of electricity and magnetism, what happens when two electrons come close to each other?
    • They attract each other.
    • They combine to form a neutron.
    • They repel each other.  ✓
    • They remain neutral and unaffected.
  • True or false? Neutrons have a greater mass than protons.
    • True
    • False ✓