Starter quiz

  • What elements are present in CaCO₃ and how many atoms are there of each?
    • calcium (1) and cobalt (3)
    • calcium (3), carbon (3) and oxygen (3)
    • carbon (1), actinium (1) and oxygen (3)
    • calcium (1), carbon (1) and oxygen (3)  ✓
  • Match the substance names and symbol formulae.
    • magnesium oxide
      MgO ✓
    • aluminium iodide
      AlI₃ ✓
    • copper carbonate
      CuCO₃ ✓
    • sodium hydroxide
      NaOH ✓
    • potassium sulfate
      K₂SO₄ ✓
    • strontium chloride
      SrCl₂ ✓
  • Match the substance to the correct state symbol.
    • water
      H₂O (l) ✓
    • ice
      H₂O (s) ✓
    • steam
      H₂O (g) ✓
    • dissolved sodium chloride
      NaCl (aq) ✓
    • mercury at room temperature
      Hg (l) ✓
    • helium at room temperature
      He (g) ✓
  • The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is MgO. In a chemical symbol equation, how would you amend this to provide twice as many Mg and O particles?
    • Mg₂O₂
    • 2Mg₂O
    • 2MgO  ✓
  • When 12.2 g of iron reacted with an unknown mass of sulfur, 20.6 g of a product was formed. What was the mass of the sulfur?
    • 8.4 g  ✓
    • 32.8 g
    • 12.2 g
    • 6.1 g
    • 10.3 g
  • Which symbol equation is correct for when bromine displaces iodine from sodium iodide solution?
    • Br (l) + NaI (aq) → NaBr (aq) + I (l)
    • Br₂ (g) + 2NaI (aq) → 2NaBr (aq) + I₂ (g)
    • Br₂ (aq) + 2NaI (aq) → 2NaBr (aq) + I₂ (aq)  ✓
    • Br₂ (l) + NaI (aq) → NaBr (aq) + I₂ (l)