Starter quiz

  • Which type of microsope is shown in the image?
    Which type of microsope is shown in the image?
    • scanning electron microscope
    • transmission electron microscope
    • light microscope  ✓
  • Which type of cells contain membrane bound sub-cellular structures, including a nucleus?
    • prokaryotic cells only
    • eukaryotic cells only  ✓
    • both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
    • neither prokaryotic nor eukaryotic cells
  • Which type of cell, prokaryotic or eukaryotic, is generally smaller in size?
    • prokaryotic  ✓
    • eukaryotic
  • If a bacterial cell has a diameter of 1.5 micrometres, how many times smaller is it compared to a eukaryotic cell with a diameter of 15 micrometres?
    • 10 times  ✓
    • 100 times
    • 1000 times
    • 15 times
  • Which of the following statements about microscopes are true?
    • Light microscopes have a higher resolution than electron microscopes.
    • Llight microscopes have a lower resolution than electron microscopes.  ✓
    • Light microscopes have a higher magnification than electron microscopes.
    • Light microscopes have a lower magnification than electron microscopes.  ✓
  • Calculate the real size of a cell if its image size is 200 micrometres and the magnification is 400x.
    • 800 micrometres
    • 500 micrometres
    • 80 micrometres
    • 0.5 micrometres  ✓