Starter quiz

  • Which of these images is showing a bacterium?
  • What does the prefix 'uni' mean in the word 'unicycle'?
    • one  ✓
    • two
    • many
    • united
  • What is the unit for micrometres?
    • mm
    • µm  ✓
    • cm
    • m
  • In an animal cell, which sub-cellular structure contains the DNA?
    • 'nucleus' ✓
  • Which of the following organisms is made up of many cells?
    • fish  ✓
    • amoeba
    • yeast
    • bacterium
  • Match the organism to its description.
    • bacterium
      a unicellular microorganism that contains no nucleus ✓
    • plant
      an organism where some cells contains chloroplasts ✓
    • animal
      an organism where cells contain no cell wall ✓