Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is not part of preparing a chromatography paper?
    • drawing a sample line
    • adding a small volume of solvent
    • heating the paper  ✓
    • marking the solvent front
  • Why do we use pencil to draw the sample line in chromatography?
    • pencil marks dissolve in the solvent
    • pencil is more visible than ink
    • pencil marks do not travel with the solvent  ✓
    • pencil reacts with the inks to help them separate
  • What is the purpose of the stationary phase in chromatography?
    • to move the solvent
    • to absorb the solvent
    • to hold the substances as they separate  ✓
    • to change the colour of the inks
  • True or false? The solvent front should be marked after the paper is removed from the container.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • True or false? If two substances have the same Rf value then they must be the same substance.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Calculate the Rf value of a spot that travels 55 mm up from the sample line, where the chromatogram shows a solvent front of 86 mm.
    • '0.64' ✓