Starter quiz

  • Which process happens when a solid can be observed to 'disappear' in a liquid to make a solution?
    • boiling
    • condensing
    • melting
    • dissolving  ✓
    • evaporating
  • When a process is able to go backwards, or be "undone", it is said to be ...
    • 'reversible' ✓
  • Match the word to the definition.
    • Soluble
      When a solid can dissolve in a liquid. ✓
    • Insoluble
      When a solid cannot dissolve in a liquid. ✓
    • Solution
      The mixture formed when a solid dissolves in a liquid. ✓
    • Saturated
      When no more solid can dissolve. ✓
  • A volume of salt solution containing 0.50 g of salt was placed in a beaker and left for two weeks on the window sill, after which only crystals of salt remained. How much salt would be present?
    • 0.00 g
    • 0.25 g
    • 0.40 g
    • 0.50 g  ✓
  • Sugar was added to water at 60℃ until no more sugar could dissolve. The solution was left to cool. What would you expect to see and why?
    • No change as the sugar would still be dissolved.
    • No change as temperature does not affect the solubility of the sugar.
    • Solid sugar would start to form as the water would evaporate.
    • Solid sugar would start to form as it is less soluble at a lower temperature.  ✓
  • When a solution is left to evaporate, the solute left behind can form ...
    • 'crystals' ✓