Starter quiz

  • Match the word to its word class.
    • proper noun
      Dr Ranj ✓
    • common noun
      police officer ✓
    • adjective
      kind ✓
  • Identify the adjectives.
    • proud  ✓
    • postal worker
    • curious  ✓
    • shopkeeper
  • Finish this sentence. All sentences begin with a __________.
    • full stop
    • lower case letter
    • capital letter  ✓
    • noun
  • Identify the nouns.
    • nurse  ✓
    • pilot  ✓
    • the
    • happy
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold. I like hte scientist.
    • eht
    • eth
    • the  ✓
    • thee
  • Which of these is a sentence that makes complete sense?
    • doctor helpful
    • the doctor helpful
    • The doctor is helpful.  ✓
    • helpful the doctor is