Starter quiz

  • Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
    • Let's go to the park
    • let's go to the park
    • let's go to the park.
    • Let's go to the park.  ✓
  • Tick the sentences that make complete sense.
    • I love eating pizza.  ✓
    • if it is raining
    • Do you want to play tennis?  ✓
    • because it is delicious
  • Identify the verb in this sentence: Ben built a sandcastle on the beach.
    • built  ✓
    • sandcastle
    • the
    • beach
  • What is the joining word in this sentence? We can get the bus if there are train strikes.
    • 'if' ✓
  • A complex sentence...
    • is a sentence about one idea that makes complete sense.
    • is formed of two simple sentences and a joining word.
    • has a first idea stretched with a second idea that depends on the first.  ✓
  • Match the sentence type to the correct example.
    • complex sentence
      Sam played on the swings that were in the playground. ✓
    • simple sentence
      Sam played on the swings. ✓
    • compound sentence
      Sam played on the swings and he chatted to his friend. ✓