Starter quiz

  • Which of these sentences make complete sense?
    • ran into the playground
    • Jun likes running.  ✓
    • when it was break time
    • Jun ran into the playground.  ✓
  • A simple sentence...
    • is about one idea that makes complete sense.  ✓
    • always contains an exclamation mark.
    • is about two ideas linked together with a joining word.
  • Match the simple sentence type to the punctuation mark it ends with.
    • statement
      full stop ✓
    • exclamation
      exclamation mark ✓
    • question
      question mark ✓
  • What is a joining word?
    • a word that joins two adjectives
    • a word that starts a sentence
    • a word that joins two words or ideas  ✓
    • a word that describes a noun
  • What is the function of the joining word 'because'?
    • for building on
    • for a positive and a negative
    • for giving a reason  ✓
  • Match the second idea to the first idea it is dependent upon to make sense.
    • We were late for the flight...
      because we missed our train. ✓
    • The wolf howled...
      because there was a full moon. ✓
    • Nan baked a cake...
      because it was my birthday. ✓