Starter quiz

  • Which of the following words are homophones?
    • plane  ✓
    • stay
    • plain  ✓
    • play
    • steal
  • Match each word to the number of phonemes it contains.
    • for
      2 ✓
    • launch
      4 ✓
    • floor
      3 ✓
  • Which of these spellings can also represent the sound 'or', like in short?
    • oor  ✓
    • aw  ✓
    • oe
    • oi
  • Which of these are proper nouns?
    • July  ✓
    • table
    • August  ✓
    • sport
    • ball
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word to complete this sentence: I want to ___________ the ball.
    • cash
    • cach
    • catch  ✓
    • katch
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word to complete this sentence: I will put this cap on my ___________.
    • hed
    • head  ✓
    • heed