Starter quiz

  • Match each word to the number of phonemes it contains.
    • grey
      3 ✓
    • eighteen
      4 ✓
    • they
      2 ✓
  • Choose the three spellings that can make the long ay sounds.
    • eigh  ✓
    • ay  ✓
    • ee
    • a  ✓
    • ie
  • Choose three words that rhyme with the word grey.
    • rainy
    • day  ✓
    • they  ✓
    • eight
    • prey  ✓
  • Choose the three less common spellings of the ay sound.
    • a  ✓
    • ey  ✓
    • ay
    • eigh  ✓
    • ai
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word to complete this sentence. One of my grandparents is __________.
    • aity
    • eighty  ✓
    • eightee
  • Choose the ay sound spellings that match to the words.
    • acorn
      a ✓
    • weight
      eigh ✓
    • they
      ey ✓