Starter quiz

  • Choose the correct spelling to complete the sentence. She __________ that she was happy.
    • sed
    • sayd
    • siad
    • said  ✓
  • Select the three words which contain a spelling for the 'er' sound.
    • near
    • early  ✓
    • homework  ✓
    • whirl  ✓
    • where
  • Where is 'or' usually found, when it makes the 'er' sound, like in 'work'?
    • Often at the end of a word.
    • Often in the middle of a word.
    • Often in the middle of a word after a 'w'.  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence. This wurd is hard to spell.
    • wurd
    • werd
    • word  ✓
    • weard
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence. The wurld is a huge place.
    • werld
    • world  ✓
    • wurld
  • Write the correct the spelling of the incorrect word in the following sentence. He dug in the erth looking for worms.
    • 'earth' ✓