Starter quiz

  • Choose the three words which contain the oa sound.
    • no  ✓
    • piano  ✓
    • late
    • toe  ✓
    • might
  • Choose two words that rhyme with the word show.
    • Joe  ✓
    • note
    • glow  ✓
    • swipe
    • goal
  • Choose three words that contain the root word soak.
    • soaking  ✓
    • soap
    • soaked  ✓
    • soaks  ✓
    • show
  • Match the grapheme to where they commonly appear in a word.
    • oa
      in the middle of a word ✓
    • ow
      at the end of a word ✓
    • o-e
      'the last but one' ✓
  • Correct the spelling in bold in the following sentence. Come hear right now!
    • 'here' ✓
  • Match the words to the correct definitions.
    • digraph
      two letters that represent one sound ✓
    • split digraph
      has a letter that splits the two vowels in a digraph ✓
    • homophone
      words that sound the same but have different meanings  ✓