Starter quiz

  • Match the words and the definitions.
    • proper noun
      a specific name given to a particular person, place or thing ✓
    • rhyme
      words that have the same or similar ending sounds ✓
    • word family
      a group of words common in feature, pattern or meaning ✓
  • Select the correct spelling to match the sentence. I had a tasty __________ for lunch.
    • stake
    • steak  ✓
    • staik
  • Choose two words that rhyme with grey.
    • weigh  ✓
    • great
    • may  ✓
    • break
    • hate
  • Correct the spelling in bold in the following sentence. The nest step is to way two-hundred and fifty grams of flour.
    • 'weigh' ✓
  • Select the correct spelling to finish the sentence. The __________ fell from the tree.
    • akorn
    • aycorn
    • aicorn
    • acorn  ✓
  • Put the different parts of this spelling strategy in the correct order.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4