Starter quiz

  • Which two of these are proper nouns?
    • movie
    • Mars  ✓
    • Wales  ✓
    • pencil
  • Match each word to the number of phonemes it contains.
    • food
      3 ✓
    • chew
      2 ✓
    • flute
      4 ✓
  • Choose two more spellings that can also represent the sound 'oo', like in shoot.
    • ew  ✓
    • u-e  ✓
    • ea
    • igh
  • Choose the word that rhymes with mood.
    • chew
    • rule
    • food  ✓
  • Choose the word that rhymes with 'shoot'.
    • blew
    • flute  ✓
    • rude
  • Which two of these words have one syllable?
    • drew  ✓
    • matter
    • moon  ✓
    • chewing