Starter quiz

  • Match the lower case letters to their capital letters.
    • a
      A ✓
    • b
      B ✓
    • c
      C ✓
    • d
      D ✓
  • Match the lower case letters to their capital letters.
    • e
      E ✓
    • f
      F ✓
    • g
      G ✓
    • h
      H ✓
  • Match the lower case letters to their capital letters.
    • i
      I ✓
    • j
      J ✓
    • k
      K ✓
    • l
      L ✓
  • True or false? A capital letter is the upper case formation of a lower case letter.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • How many capital letters are there in the alphabet?
    • 26  ✓
    • 24
    • 28
  • Which two lines do capital letters sit between on the tramlines?
    Which two lines do capital letters sit between on the tramlines?
    • ascender line  ✓
    • x-height line
    • baseline  ✓
    • descender line