Starter quiz

  • Match the following:
    • noun
      dinosaur ✓
    • phrase
      gigantic dinosaur ✓
    • simple sentence
      The gigantic dinosaur stomped its feet. ✓
    • compound sentence
      The gigantic dinosaur stomped its feet and the ground shook. ✓
  • Tick the common nouns.
    • sprint
    • playground  ✓
    • happy
    • ball  ✓
  • Identify the verb in this sentence: The little baby giggled happily.
    • little
    • baby
    • giggled  ✓
    • happily
  • Match the simple sentence type to the punctuation mark it most often ends with.
    • statement
      . ✓
    • question
      ? ✓
    • exclamation
      ! ✓
  • A simple sentence must...
    • include a verb.  ✓
    • include two ideas.
    • begin with a capital letter.  ✓
    • make complete sense.  ✓
  • How many ideas are there in a compound sentence?
    • 'two' ✓