Starter quiz

  • What type of text is a biography?
    • non-fiction  ✓
    • poetry
    • fiction
  • What does a biography text tell you about?
    • what is going to happen in the future
    • the story of a significant person's life  ✓
    • a made-up story
  • What order is a biography written in?
    • random order
    • going backwards in time
    • chronological order  ✓
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • significant figure
      a person who has done something important in our world ✓
    • activist
      a person who takes action to change something in our world ✓
    • suffrage
      the right to vote in political elections ✓
  • Why is Emmeline Pankhurst a significant figure in history?
    • she was an activist for women's right to vote  ✓
    • she was born in Manchester
    • she enjoyed reading
  • Which of the following adjectives best describes Emmeline Pankhurst?
    • shy
    • unkind
    • brave  ✓