Starter quiz

  • Florence Nightingale was named after ...
    • an Italian city.  ✓
    • a family member.
    • her favourite food.
  • After being bon in Italy, Florence moved to which country?
    • Spain
    • France
    • England  ✓
  • What country was Mary Seacole born in?
    • England
    • Jamaica  ✓
    • Italy
  • What was Mary Seacole's job?
    • nurse
    • doctress  ✓
    • teacher
  • Both Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale travelled to Crimea. What was happening in Crimea at the time?
    • a war  ✓
    • a storm
    • a festival
  • What was the title of Mary Seacole's autobiography?
    • The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands  ✓
    • Mary in Wonderland
    • Mary Seacole's Life