Starter quiz

  • Who are the two main characters in 'Grandad's Island'?
    • Syd  ✓
    • the parrot
    • Grandad  ✓
  • Where does the story 'Grandad's Island' begin?
    • the island
    • Grandad's attic  ✓
    • the ship
  • Starting with the first, order these events from the story 'Grandad's Island'.
    • 1
      Syd finds Grandad in his attic.
    • 2
      Syd and Grandad travel on a tall ship.
    • 3
      Syd and Grandad arrive at an island and explore together.
    • 4
      Grandad tells Syd he is going to stay on the island.
    • 5
      Syd travels home alone.
  • Match the keyword to the correct definition.
    • vocabulary
      the words we know and use to communicate ✓
    • illustration
      a picture in a book ✓
    • plot
      what happens in a story ✓
    • character
      a person or animal in a story ✓
  • Tick two words (synonyms) which mean the same as 'sad'.
    • miserable  ✓
    • happy
    • unhappy  ✓
    • curious
  • Tick two words (synonyms) which mean the same as 'happy'.
    • worried
    • upset
    • delighted  ✓
    • joyful  ✓