Starter quiz

  • Identify the comma.
    • .
    • ,  ✓
    • !
    • ?
  • Identify the adjective in the following sentence: 'The terrifying giant shouted loudly.'
    • The
    • terrifying  ✓
    • giant
    • shouted
    • loudly
  • What is the correct definition of an adjective?
    • a doing or being word
    • a naming word for people, places or things
    • a word that describes or gives more information about a verb
    • a word that describes a noun  ✓
  • Match the word to the word class.
    • tree
      noun ✓
    • bushy
      adjective ✓
    • growing
      verb ✓
  • Identify the adjectives in the following sentence: 'The strange, old man gave him some beans.'
    • strange  ✓
    • old  ✓
    • man
    • some
    • beans
  • Complete the following sentence: 'All simple sentences __________.'
    • start with a capital letter  ✓
    • include an adjective
    • need a comma
    • make complete sense  ✓