Starter quiz

  • What do we call the name of a book?
    • the author
    • the illustrator
    • the title  ✓
    • the illustration
  • __________ is a type of story that is made up or imagined.
    • An author
    • A poem
    • Fiction  ✓
    • Non-fiction
  • Match each word to its meaning.
    • character
      a person or animal in a story ✓
    • setting
      where the story takes place ✓
    • plot
      what happens in the story ✓
  • Match the main characters to the titles of these well-known stories.
    • the Tiger
      'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' ✓
    • the caterpillar
      'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' ✓
    • the goats
      'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' ✓
  • Which of these characters is a hero?
    • Big Bad Wolf
    • Fairy Godmother  ✓
    • Giant
    • Troll
  • Which of these characters is a villain?
    • Big Bad Wolf  ✓
    • Fairy Godmother
    • Cinderella
    • Troll  ✓