Starter quiz

  • Which is the first part of a story staircase?
    • climax
    • opening  ✓
    • resolution
    • build-up
  • Which part of the story staircase comes after the opening?
    • climax
    • resolution
    • build-up  ✓
  • The build-up is the part of the story where the writer will introduce ...
    • a problem.  ✓
    • a new setting.
    • a lot of new characters.
  • What is the problem Emily faces in the build-up of 'Lucky Dip'?
    • She falls into the sea.
    • She gets her foot stuck in a hole.
    • She sees a scary man.  ✓
  • What is the name of the machine that the magical bunny is inside?
    • Lucky Flipper
    • Lucky Tripper
    • Lucky Dipper  ✓
  • Who pulled Emily out of the arcade at the end of the build-up?
    • the Pin Man
    • the bunny
    • her grandad  ✓