Starter quiz

  • Which of these characters do not appear in the climax of 'Lucky Dip'?
    • Emily
    • Pin Man
    • the bunny
    • Emily's grandparents  ✓
  • True or false? In the climax, a writer will describe the problem and create lots of tension.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • What part of the story staircase comes after the climax?
    • opening
    • build-up
    • resolution  ✓
  • True or false? A writer may want to use a plan to help them write their climax.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which character is best described using the adjectives 'soft' and 'fluffy'?
    • Pin Man
    • Emily
    • the bunny  ✓
  • Which character's arms can be described as 'muscular' and 'tattooed'?
    • Emily
    • Pin Man  ✓
    • the bunny