Starter quiz

  • When writing, I should try and write my letters ...
    • above the line
    • on the line  ✓
    • through the line
  • True or false? We should try to join our handwriting.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • When writing, it is important to ...
    • sit up straight with your chair tucked in to the table  ✓
    • slouch in your chair
    • sit far away from the table
  • A simple sentence will have which of these things?
    • a capital letter at the start  ✓
    • a full stop at the end  ✓
    • a joining word
  • True or false? It is important to read your writing back to check for mistakes.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which of these can you use to help you with your spelling?
    • a ruler
    • your phonic knowledge  ✓
    • a pencil