Starter quiz

  • A recipe is a list of ...
    • characters
    • instructions  ✓
    • rhyming words
  • Imperative verbs can also be known as ...
    • bossy verbs  ✓
    • gentle verbs
    • describing verbs
  • Which of these words is an imperative verb?
    • run  ✓
    • happy
    • quickly
  • Which of these words is an imperative verb?
    • slimy
    • mix  ✓
    • huge
  • Which of these words is an ordering fronted adverbial?
    • Then  ✓
    • The
    • They
  • Which of these ordering fronted advebrials should come with the last instruction?
    • First,
    • After,
    • Finally,  ✓
    • Next,