Starter quiz

  • Which of these animals are nocturnal?
    • dog
    • bat  ✓
    • lion
  • What does being nocturnal mean?
    • sleeping during the day and being active at night  ✓
    • sleeping during the night and being active during the day
    • sleeping during the day and sleeping during the night
  • Bats have very poor ...
    • hearing.
    • eyesight.  ✓
    • taste.
  • What does a bat use echolocation for?
    • to help them understand their surroundings  ✓
    • to help them taste their food
    • to help them fly higher
  • Echolocation is an example of a bat making an important ...
    • journey.
    • adaptation.  ✓
    • noise.
  • The environment in which an animal lives is known as its ...
    • area.
    • habitat.  ✓
    • patch.