Starter quiz

  • Which of these are reasons to use an apostrophe?
    • for possession  ✓
    • for contraction  ✓
    • for a question
  • What word means to own something?
    • possess  ✓
    • contract
    • punctuate
  • Which of these shows the correct use of an apostrophe for possession?
    • a bats wing
    • a bat's wing  ✓
    • a bats' wing
  • Which of these are nouns that might belong to a bat?
    • wing  ✓
    • hedgehog
    • diet  ✓
    • eyesight  ✓
  • When we write, we always try to...
    • use only words beginning with vowels.
    • vary our sentence types.  ✓
    • write as fast as possible.
  • Which of these are reasons why you should read your sentences out loud once you've written them?
    • to edit and improve them  ✓
    • to read them in funny voices
    • to check they make sense  ✓