Starter quiz

  • Hedgehogs have over 5,000 ...
    • eyes.
    • spines.  ✓
    • bones.
  • Where on a hedgehogs body are their spines located?
    • face
    • stomach
    • back  ✓
  • Why is having spines a good adaptation for a hedgehog to have made?
    • The spines keep them warm.
    • The spines protect them from predators.  ✓
    • The spines catch food.
  • What does a hedgehog do to protect themselves when a predator is near?
    • Roll into a ball.  ✓
    • Run away.
    • Use their spines to fight the predator.
  • Which of these animals are predators of hedgehogs?
    • cat
    • owl  ✓
    • hamster
  • Which of these do hedgehogs eat?
    • worms  ✓
    • mice
    • milk