Starter quiz

  • Select the correct statement.
    • Descender refers to the part of a letter that is above the x-height line.
    • Descender refers to the part of a letter that is below the x-height line.
    • Descender refers to the part of a letter that is below the baseline.  ✓
  • Select the correct statement.
    • Ascender refers to the part of the letter that is above the baseline.
    • Ascender refers to the part of the letter that is above the x-height line.  ✓
    • Ascender refers to the part of the letter that is below the baseline.
  • Select the letters with descenders.
    • g  ✓
    • b
    • y  ✓
    • q  ✓
    • d
  • Select the letters with ascenders.
    • g
    • s
    • b  ✓
    • d  ✓
    • l  ✓
  • True or false: pre-cursive lower case letters always have a lead in and a lead out.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Match the handwriting formation with the definition.
    • print
      individual letters standing on their own ✓
    • cursive
      style of handwriting where the letters are joined together ✓
    • pre-cursive
      formation of letters which include a lead in and a lead out ✓