Starter quiz

  • Which of these is in the past?
    • yesterday  ✓
    • tomorrow
    • next week
  • If something has happened in the past, it means that it has...
    • not happened yet.
    • already happened.  ✓
    • been planned to happen soon.
  • Talking or writing about past experiences is called what?
    • counting
    • recounting  ✓
    • recalculating
  • True or false? When we are recounting, the information we are sharing with someone is called a recount.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Chronological means...
    • in the order in which things happened.  ✓
    • not in the order in which things happened.
    • in any order.
  • A recount should be written in...
    • non-chronological order.
    • chronological order.  ✓
    • any order.