Starter quiz

  • Which word best fits the gap in this sentence? A recount __________ events that have happened in the past.
    • counts
    • refills
    • retells  ✓
    • imagines
  • Change the verb in this sentence so that it is in the past tense: I walk to the park.
    • walking
    • walked  ✓
    • will walk
    • went
  • Where does a fronted adverbial of time usually come in a sentence?
    • beginning  ✓
    • middle
    • end
  • Match these words to their definition.
    • comma
      a punctuation mark used within sentences ✓
    • noun
      a naming word for people, places and things ✓
    • adjective
      describes a noun ✓
    • verb
      a doing or being word ✓
  • Here is an expanded noun phrase: large, brown dog. Which word is the noun?
    • large
    • brown
    • dog  ✓
  • Tick the expanded noun phrase that has the comma in the correct place.
    • leafy, green park  ✓
    • leafy green park,
    • leafy, green, park
    • leafy green park