Starter quiz

  • Identify the sentence that makes complete sense.
    • walked home.
    • The children
    • home
    • The children walked home.  ✓
  • Which of these words is used to join sentences together?
    • the
    • I
    • and  ✓
    • we
  • Find the two answers that could complete this sentence: Most grammatically accurate sentences...
    • end with a full stop.  ✓
    • contain an adjective.
    • ask a question.
    • start with a capital letter.  ✓
  • Which word is missing from this sentence? The dark barked _____ the man jumped.
    • 'and' ✓
  • Match the word to the word class:
    • sings
      verb ✓
    • noisily
      adverb ✓
    • noisy
      adjective ✓
    • man
      noun ✓
  • Identify the verb in this sentence: The mouse runs along the wall.
    • 'runs' ✓