Starter quiz

  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: Evryone had a coat on outside.
    • everywon
    • evereeone
    • evreone
    • everyone  ✓
  • Match the word to the suffix it contains.
    • enjoyment
      ment ✓
    • laziness
      ness ✓
    • helpful
      ful ✓
  • Select the plurals from the list below. Remember, a plural noun means there is more than one.
    • dogs  ✓
    • cat
    • hens  ✓
    • chicken
  • Match the singular and plural forms of the nouns.
    • hen
      hens ✓
    • dog
      dogs ✓
    • cat
      cats ✓
  • Match the words with their root words.
    • happy
      happiness ✓
    • lazy
      laziness ✓
    • funny
      funnily ✓
    • silly
      silliness ✓
  • Which of these words are nouns?
    • enjoyment  ✓
    • happy
    • happiness  ✓
    • enjoy
    • England  ✓