Starter quiz

  • What letters are found in both 'cannot' and 'can't'?
    • c  ✓
    • a  ✓
    • n  ✓
    • o
    • d
  • What letters are found in both 'I am' and 'I'm'?
    • i  ✓
    • a
    • m  ✓
    • n
  • Match the punctuation marks to their names.
    • .
      full stop ✓
    • !
      exclamation mark ✓
    • ,
      comma ✓
  • When you write a comma, where does it go?
    • under the line
    • on the line  ✓
    • in the air
  • What word could replace the words in bold in this sentence and still make sense? 'They are having lots of fun.'
    • Then
    • They're  ✓
    • Them
  • What word could replace the word in bold in this sentence and still make sense? 'He cannot find his shoes.'
    • jump
    • can't  ✓
    • car
    • she