Starter quiz

  • Choose the correct spelling and representation of the word in bold in the following sentence: They heard a byootifull song.
    • beautifull
    • beautiful  ✓
    • beutiful
    • beatifull
  • Select the two words that contain the suffix '-ful'.
    • cheerful  ✓
    • slowly
    • fearful  ✓
    • cheerless
  • Match the words with their word roots.
    • slowly
      slower ✓
    • fearless
      fear ✓
    • played
      playing ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: He was very chearfull.
    • cheerfull
    • chearful
    • cheerful  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: He was a very hellpfull teacher.
    • helpfull
    • helpful  ✓
    • hepful
  • Which word class are words ending in the suffix '-ful' usually?
    • verbs
    • adjectives  ✓
    • nouns