Starter quiz

  • Put these sections of a non-chronological report in the correct order.
    • 1
    • 2
      Section 1
    • 3
      Section 2
  • Which of these will not be included in the section about 'how the fire started'?
    • when the fire started
    • where the fire started
    • how the fire stopped  ✓
  • What should a person use to help guide them when writing?
    • a plan  ✓
    • a dictionary
    • a pencil
  • When we write, we always try to do which of these things?
    • Use lots of commas.
    • Use punctuation where we know the rules.  ✓
    • Use only capital letters.
    • Use a capital letter at the start of every sentence.  ✓
  • When we write, we always try and do which of these things?
    • Sound out words to spell them accurately.  ✓
    • Use lots of capital letters.
    • Read each sentence out loud to check they make sense.  ✓
  • The purpose of a plan is to help a writer to ...
    • warm their hand up for writing.
    • practise exactly what they are going to write.
    • organise their ideas, thoughts and the information they want to include.  ✓