Starter quiz

  • At the time of the Great Fire of London, what weather was the city experiencing?
    • rain
    • wind  ✓
    • snow
  • Houses in 1666 were mostly made from what materials?
    • brick and stone
    • metal and glass
    • wood and straw  ✓
  • Complete the following sentence. The streets in London in 1666 were very...
    • wide.
    • narrow.  ✓
    • empty.
  • Which of these did not exist in 1666?
    • an organised fire brigade  ✓
    • a King
    • a Lord Mayor
  • Which of these did Londoners have to help them tackle the fire?
    • leather buckets  ✓
    • hoses
    • axes  ✓
    • water squirts  ✓
    • fire engines
  • What did the Lord Mayor allow people to use to stop the fire spreading further?
    • firebreaks  ✓
    • fire works
    • fire alarms