Starter quiz

  • Match the word to its word class.
    • proper noun
      Jin ✓
    • common noun
      pot ✓
    • adjective
      kind ✓
  • Identify the adjectives.
    • village
    • kind  ✓
    • young  ✓
    • ran
  • Finish this sentence. All sentences begin with a ...
    • full stop
    • lower case letter
    • capital letter  ✓
    • noun
  • Identify the nouns.
    • the
    • woman  ✓
    • old
    • forest  ✓
  • Which of these are sequencing words?
    • One day,  ✓
    • She
    • Then,  ✓
    • How
    • Who
  • Order these events that take place in the story 'The Magic Porridge Pot'.
    • 1
      Jin and her Grandmother lived in a village in the mountains.
    • 2
      Jin met an old woman in a bamboo forest.
    • 3
      The old woman gave Jin a magical pot.