Starter quiz

  • Match the keyword to the correct definition.
    • narrative
      writing that tells a story ✓
    • non-fiction
      a text that contains facts and true information ✓
    • fiction
      a story that is made up or imagined ✓
  • Based on the front cover, what type of text do you think this is?
    • fiction  ✓
    • non-fiction
    • dictionary
  • Based on the front cover, what type of text is this?
    • fiction
    • non-fiction  ✓
    • dictionary
  • What is a character in a fiction text?
    • a picture in a book
    • where a story takes place
    • a person or animal in a story  ✓
  • What is the plot in a fiction story?
    • where the story takes place
    • what happens in the story  ✓
    • the pictures in the story
  • Order these parts of a story structure.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4


  • Q2: Wild by Emily Hughes © Flying Eye Books. 2013 London

  • Q3: Rushing Rivers, Kingfisher
