Starter quiz

  • In Chapter 1, Plop met a young boy who said the dark was...
    • kind.
    • exciting.  ✓
    • fun.
  • In Chapter 2, Plop met an old woman who said the dark was...
    • kind.  ✓
    • exciting.
    • fun.
  • In Chapter 3, Plop met a Scout who said the dark was...
    • kind.
    • exciting.
    • fun.  ✓
  • What is a character in a story?
    • where a story is set
    • what happens in a story
    • a person or animal in a story  ✓
  • Order the following events from Chapter Three.
    • 1
      Mr and Mrs Barn Owl went out hunting but Plop decided not to go with them.
    • 2
      Plop heard noises from down below so he decided to be brave and go down.
    • 3
      Plop met a Scout who was guarding a fire and told Plop why the dark was ‘fun'.
    • 4
      Plop joined the Scouts for singing round the fire & then went back to his tree.
  • Match the reading strategy to what it means.
    • retrieval
      finding information directly from the text ✓
    • inference
      using clues from the text to draw conclusions ✓
    • discussion
      talking to others about the meaning of what we have read ✓