Starter quiz

  • What challenges do Faiza and Asiya face in 'The Proudest Blue'?
    • They fight with each other.
    • They experience unkindness from others.  ✓
    • They find their school work difficult.
  • How do Faiza and Asiya respond to people treating them differently?
    • They hide their religion and identity.
    • They change themselves to fit in.
    • They view the hijab as normal and remain proud of it.  ✓
  • Why does the author compare Asiya's hijab to the skies and the sea?
    • To show its normality, strength and beauty.  ✓
    • To show that it's blue.
    • To show that it's different.
  • How can we uncover the deeper meaning of a story?
    • Look for clues in the text to infer.  ✓
    • Discuss the story with others to hear different perspectives.  ✓
    • Retrieve information from the text.
  • True or false? Everyone will have the same opinions and perspective on a story.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • What is the definition of identity?
    • the things we like
    • what we believe in
    • where we live
    • the different aspects that make up who we are  ✓