Starter quiz

  • Is Wild a non-fiction or fiction book?
    • fiction  ✓
    • non-fiction
    • it is not fiction or non-fiction
  • Complete this sentence: The author of the story is the person who __________.
    • draws the illustrations
    • writes the story  ✓
    • reads the story aloud
  • Where does the little girl in "Wild" prefer to be?
    • the house
    • the forest  ✓
    • she doesn't want to live in either
  • Match the word to its definition and example.
    • Character
      who is in the story, such as the little girl ✓
    • Setting
      where the story takes place, such as the forest ✓
    • Plot
      what happens in the story, such as the girl being taken away ✓
  • Choose two adjectives to complete this sentence. In the forest, the girl feels __________.
    • calm  ✓
    • angry
    • lonely
    • happy  ✓
  • Order the events that take place at the end of the story "Wild".
    • 1
      The girl sat under her bed.
    • 2
      The girl broke her bed.
    • 3
      The girl wrecked the living room.