Starter quiz

  • 'Table' is a noun. It is a ...
    • person
    • place
    • thing  ✓
  • Match the word to the definition.
    • adjective
      a word that describes a noun ✓
    • common noun
      a naming word that does not always need a capital letter ✓
    • proper noun
      a naming word that always needs a capital letter ✓
  • Match the noun types.
    • Malik
      proper noun ✓
    • book
      singular common noun ✓
    • children
      plural common noun ✓
  • Identify the two singular nouns.
    • socks
    • shoes
    • jumper  ✓
    • coat  ✓
  • Identify the adjective in this sentence: 'The grumpy man chased the boy.'
    • grumpy  ✓
    • man
    • chased
    • boy
  • Finish this sentence: An adjective ...
    • often comes after a noun.
    • often comes before a noun.  ✓
    • always has a capital letter.
    • often comes at the end of a sentence.