Starter quiz

  • What is the opposite of small?
    • hot
    • big  ✓
    • red
  • Finish this sentence: A word that describes a noun is ...
    • a proper noun.
    • a plural noun.
    • an adjective.  ✓
    • a common noun.
  • Match these nouns to the noun type:
    • common noun
      bin ✓
    • proper noun
      Felix ✓
  • Choose the best adjective to describe a star.
    • bright  ✓
    • black
    • wet
  • What does it mean if we 'describe' something?
    • We add an 's' to make it plural.
    • We add detail to it.  ✓
    • We add a capital letter to it.
  • Identify the adjective in this sentence: The large elephant walked slowly to the water.
    • water
    • slowly
    • elephant
    • large  ✓