Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are characters in 'The Trojan Horse'?
    • Odysseus  ✓
    • Nemesis
    • Helen  ✓
    • Zeus
    • King Laomedon  ✓
  • Match the character to the adjective that best describes them in the myth 'The Trojan Horse'.
    • Odysseus
      clever ✓
    • King Laomedon
      rude ✓
    • Epeius
      helpful ✓
    • Priest Laocoon
      wary ✓
  • One possible theme of 'The Trojan Horse' is collaboration.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which of the following should be considered when retelling a myth?
    • the name of every character in the text
    • exact words spoken by a character
    • the key characters  ✓
    • the main events  ✓
    • the setting  ✓
  • Order the myth's story structure.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Which of the following features of a myth are found within 'The Trojan Horse'?
    • a moral or lesson learned  ✓
    • a hero  ✓
    • features a god or goddess  ✓
    • mythical beast
    • provides an origin story explaining a natural event