Starter quiz

  • What does it mean to build comprehension of a text?
    • reread it
    • deepen our understanding of it  ✓
    • sequence the events in it
  • True or false? Anansi uses his trickster ways for good in the story of 'Anansi and the Antelope Baby'.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • What does making an inference from a story mean?
    • recounting the story
    • retrieving a piece of information
    • using clues to draw your own conclusions  ✓
  • Which character traits do Anansi and Antelope display towards one another?
    • kindness  ✓
    • loyalty  ✓
    • dishonesty
    • cruelty
    • protection  ✓
  • What does having rich discussion mean?
    • thinking about the meaning of what we have read
    • talking to others about the meaning of what we have read  ✓
    • explaining what happened in the story
  • How does rich discussion about a text improve your comprehension?
    • It offers opportunities to clarify and understand things.  ✓
    • It helps you to sound out the words.
    • It offers opportunities to hear other ideas.  ✓