Starter quiz

  • What is editing?
    • starting a piece of writing
    • finishing a piece of writing
    • reading aloud a piece of writing
    • reviewing, checking and improving a piece of writing  ✓
  • What is the purpose of a co-ordinating conjunction in a compound sentence?
    • to join a subordinate clause and a main clause
    • to join two nouns
    • to join two main clauses  ✓
    • to join two subordinate clauses
  • Match the co-ordinating conjunctions to the gaps in the compound sentences.
    • and
      They were skilled farmers ________ they were also artistic. ✓
    • , but
      They were brave ________ they had to be careful of invaders. ✓
    • , or
      They could harvest now _______ they could wait. ✓
  • Which two of these are subordinate clauses?
    • as the farmers set to work  ✓
    • the oxen pulled the plough
    • they harvested their crops when it was ready
    • because they wanted food all year round  ✓
  • Which two elements does a complex sentence have to contain?
    • a main clause  ✓
    • a noun phrase
    • a subordinate clause  ✓
    • a fronted adverbial
  • Make three complex sentences by matching the subordinate clauses to the main clauses.
    • Because of the seasons,
      they only ate food available at that time of the year. ✓
    • When it was winter,
      they ate the food they had preserved. ✓
    • As their skills advanced,
      they became more efficient with their farming practices. ✓