Starter quiz

  • What are conjunctions?
    • Words that describe how a verb is done.
    • Words that always come after a full stop.
    • Words that join words, phrases or clauses.  ✓
    • Words that describe a noun.
  • Match the co-ordinating conjunction to its purpose.
    • and
      for building on ✓
    • but
      for a positive and a negative ✓
    • or
      for an option or an effect ✓
  • What is a main clause? Tick all that apply.
    • It makes sense on its own.  ✓
    • It does not make sense on its own.
    • It contains a verb.  ✓
    • It does not contain a verb.
    • It is a group of words.  ✓
  • Which of the following are true for a subordinate clause?
    • It makes sense on its own.
    • It does not make sense on its own.  ✓
    • It can tell you how often a verb was done.
    • It is dependent on the main clause.  ✓
  • Where does a fronted adverbial come in a sentence?
    • In the middle.
    • At the end.
    • At the start.  ✓
  • Match the viewpoint fronted adverbial to its meaning.
    • Impressively,
      This fact makes you think wow! ✓
    • Intriguingly,
      This fact is curious! ✓
    • Significantly,
      This fact is very important. ✓