Starter quiz

  • Select the correct definition of an 'essay'.
    • a poem that tells a story
    • a piece of writing that outlines arguments about a particular issue  ✓
    • a report that explains a process
    • a non-fiction text that informs the reader about the story of a person's life
  • Select the examples of non-fiction texts from the list.
    • poem
    • essay  ✓
    • story
    • non-chronological report  ✓
    • journalistic report  ✓
  • Match the terms to their definitions.
    • Islam
      the religion of Muslim people ✓
    • Prophet Muhammad
      Allah's messenger and the founder of Islam ✓
    • Mecca
      the holy city where Islam originated from ✓
    • Islamic Empire
      a religious political state that spread Islam through the world ✓
  • Which region did Islam originate in?
    • Baghdad
    • Arabia  ✓
    • the UK
  • The tone of an essay should be which of these?
    • formal  ✓
    • humorous
    • credible  ✓
    • informative  ✓
  • Order the parts of an essay:
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3